Peter Myers is an Australian Mining Engineer with more than 35 years of industry experience. Peter has worked in operating, managerial and technical roles in underground and open cut hard rock mines in Australia, and has provided more than a decade of consulting to clients around the globe. Since 2012, Peter has worked in Russia providing technical consulting as an employee or consultant to iron ore and gold mining companies. He has worked with Pavlik Gold since 2015.
Pavlik Gold - optimising project development strategy to optimise the business.
The Pavlik Mine commenced commercial production of gold in August 2015. After successful commissioning of the first stage of operation, Pavlik 1, the strategy for development of additional gold reserves is being optimised. Adjacent to Pavlik 1, Pavlik 2 resources are being confirmed by exploration drilling, mining strategies are being optimised and other near-by resources at Rodionovskoye are being explored to prove their economics. The Pavlik Gold production capacity will be expanded so the optimum economic benefit can be gained from the exploitation of the additional resources. Technical aspects and financial investments for additional mining and processing capacity, and supporting infrastructure are being confirmed so the optimal development strategy can be implemented.