Born in April 1961 in the Tambov region. After the eight-year ended Stary Exploration College and University of Voronezh. Since 1985, more than 27 years living in Yakutia, where for 15 years he worked in geological organisations. From 2000 to 2002 he worked in YANIGP TsNIGRI, chief geologist of the expedition Botuoba ALROSA. Since 2012 - Principal Researcher, Deputy Director of the IGM SB RAS. Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Honorary Prospector Russia, Honoured Geologist of Yakutia, the winner of the prize. AN Kosygin. Author of 9 books and over 140 scientific papers on the problems of geology and mineralogy platform magmatism (carbonatites, kimberlites, traps), geological and economic evaluation of deposits.
Opportunities for the Russian Federation in rare elements from a single source
Show the real possibility of obtaining a full line of rare and rare-earth elements from the raw source Edistvennoe - Tomtor field. Powered geological and economic assessment of the deposit development in the coming years.