Born in November 1978 in Akademgorodok. Graduated from the Novosibirsk State University, Faculty of Economics. In 2004-2009 - the head of the editorial body of "Expert-Siberia" the Siberian supplement to the "Expert" magazine. Since 2009 - Senior Researcher, Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of SB RAS (IEIE SB RAS). He defended his thesis in 2010 on "Substantiation of directions of the cost-effective development of small and medium-sized gold deposits." Doctoral IEIE SB RAS. The winner (Ist degree Diploma) of the Contest of Novosibirsk Region in the field of science research (2012) The winner of the 2012 award named after N.N. Nekrasov academician in the field of regional and sector economy (competition for awarding prizes to outstanding scientists of the SB RAS). He was awarded the honorary title of SB RAS "Silver Sigma" for a series of projects for the economic development of the territories of Siberia (2012). Author and co-author of 17 publications (in refereed journals) on the issues of effective development of the mineral resource base of precious metals, rare earth metals and diamonds; 1 monograph "Group development of small gold deposits" (2012); 31 articles on the industry and the regional economy, published a collection of scientific papers and economic works.
Opportunities for Russian trace elements from a single source
Show the real possibility of obtaining a full line of rare and rare-earth elements from Tomtor field. Provide geological and economic assessment of the deposit development in the coming years.