He was born in 1980, Kazakh, higher education. In 2006 — Femida Legal academy with a degree in «Legal Consultant». In 2012 Kazakh National technical university named after K. I. Satpayev, conferred qualification of «The Bachelor of geology and exploration survey». Since 2008 he worked as chief deputy of the Republican centre for geological information KazGeoInfrom the Committee of Geology and Subsoil Use of the Ministry of energy and natural resources, later the Ministry of industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan. On the basis of the national committee recruitment policy recommendations under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Agency for Civil service affairs order No. 06–7/89, dated June 24, 2013, enrolled at personnel reserve of corps «A». On October 25, 2013 he has been appointed to the position of Chief of the Republican centre for geological information KazGeoInfrom of the Ministry of industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 2011 to 2013 worked as coordinator participated in Kazakhstani-Finnish project "Development and improvement of the system in the geological sector in Central Asia." In 2013 he studied the best practices of subsoil use rights and information technologies in Western Australia. Since 2013 he is a national coordinator - head of the secretariat to implement the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in Kazakhstan.
The development of information systems in geology. Availability of geological information.
Increase of investment attractiveness of subsoil use in Kazakhstan is achieved through optimization of administrative procedures, as well as demonstrating geological potential (availability of geological information). In this regard, we have developed a public information system. The report provides information on the current situation and prospects of the development of public sector software.