Andrey Panzhin is a specialist in the field of Surveying and Geomechanics, Research of rocks subsidence processes at open pit and underground mines, Reconstruction of surveying and geodetic studies at mining enterprises as well as modern geodynamics. Main scientific achievements of Mr Panzhin - A new method of monitoring the process of displacement, providing gaining full strain tensor, thus improving the reliability of the protection structures and natural objects from the harmful effects of mining operations. - Investigated the short-period strain fracture zones in the upper crust with the use of satellite geodesy systems, with the main parameters of amplitude and frequency of cyclic geodynamic movement, resulting in fatigue structure violations of the responsible engineering parts. - Development and implementation of a method of monitoring of geodynamic processes at mining enterprises and urban areas which allows to investigate the processes of deformation of rock masses of large landmasses. - Diagnosis of modern geodynamic activity and displacement process studies of mine sites in the Urals, Siberia and Kazakhstan. Determined the amount of deformation caused by the impact of both natural tectonic movements and the influence of man-made large-scale mining.
Practice of GPS monitoring.