Andrey Tverdov is Technical Director, IMC Montan. Andrey graduated from Moscow State Mining University (Diplomas wit honours): BSc, Mining Equipment and Methods; Mining Engineer, PhD, Engr.; State University of Land Use Planning and Control with a specialisation - Company (Business) Valuation; Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation under the presidential programme for training managers in the discipline - Innovation Management in Corporations. During his work for IMC Montan Andrey participated and managed more than 120 mining projects. His first-hand experience includes: engineering and technical and economic calculations, preparation of development strategy, identification of bottlenecks and operations optimisation, resource and reserve evaluation, and substantiation of optimal mechanisation etc. Before IMC Montan Andrey had experience in construction of underground facilities and surface mining of minerals. He is the author of over 50 publications. Andrey is a GKZ expert (about 50 expert reviews), OERN expert, expert in industrial mine safety certified by Rostekhnadzor, Independent Director accredited by Rosimuschestvo (Member of Board of Directors at OAO SOYUZVZRYVPROM), member of Professional Community of Directors (Agency for Strategic Initiatives), member of the Expert Council on Innovations under the President of ALROSA.
Tendencies of strengthening control over operations of mines with extra-hazardous mining and geological conditions
• Approaches to mine hazard assessment in terms of mining and geological conditions • Specific risks of underground mining operations • Tendencies of strengthening control over underground mining operations