Head of mining department, Navgeocom
Since Feb 2015 - Navgeocom Russia, Mining manager
2013 - 2015 Mining Solutions, JSC. Atlas Copco, Equipment Sales Manager
2006 - 2013 Atlas Copco, JSC. Sales engineer, Product specialist, Key Account Manager
2004-2006 Geoton, Ltd. Underground construction. Foreman
2002 - 2004 Moscow Geological Exploration Institute. Postgraduate study.
1997 - 2002 Moscow Geological Exploration Institute. Surface Mining Engineer.
Multisensory monitoring the stability of the ledges at mining works. The integration of data from the GPR , automated total stations and laser scanners . GeoMoS
Security aspects in organisation of the mining transport movements at open pit mines.
1. Problems of Highway Traffic Safety organization for open pit mining 2.Solutions overview. SPS - the architecture and the operating principle . 3. Opportunities and function of SPS4. Advanced Features . Next generation radars. Combined solutions for rotating machinery and large transport vehicles. Monitoring operator fatigue. 5. The economic impact , return on investment