Yevgeny Kiselyov was born in 1961 in Belgorod. In 1983 he graduated from the Sverdlovsk Red Flag of Labour Mining Institute named after V. V. Vakhrushev with a degree in “Geological survey, searching and prospecting of mineral deposits " attaining the qualification " Mining engineer-geologist." In 1983-1985 - engineer-geologist Ural as part of the geological survey expedition of the USSR Ministry of Geology . In 1985-1998 - Senior Geologist , category II, head of the Gorno- Altai search and survey expedition of the USSR Ministry of Geology (later - the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Russia ) . In 1998-2000 - Head of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise " Gorno - Altai search and exploration expedition of the Ministry of Natural Resources “. In 2000-2012 years - Deputy CEO for Exploration of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian Geological Research Institute . AP Karpinski " (FSUE) of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use . Curated the regional geological, geophysical and geological surveys of Rosnedra, which encompass the creation of the official national geological maps of 1: 200,000 and 1: 1,000,000 (the new series and the 3rd generation). From 2001, Yevgeny Kiselyov directed the work and co-wrote of the GIS Atlas "Nedra Russia." In 2002 actively participated in the international project "Atlas of the geological maps of Central Asia and neighbouring territories, scale 1: 2 500 000". From 2005 to 2008, has been closely involved in developing a number of long-term programs for the regional geological study of subsoil of land and continental shelf of the Russian Federation. From 2012 he worked as Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use . On September 9, 2015 he was appointed acting head of Rosnedra. By the decree № 6 issued by the Russian Federation Government on 13 January 2016 the Yevgeny Kiselyov was appointed Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation and the Head of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use . Awards and commendations _____________________ In 2004 Evgeny Kiselev was awarded the "Excellence in prospecting for mineral resources " In 2005 his name was added to the the "Board of Honour" of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation In 2007 he was nominated as "Honoured Geologist of the Russian Federation ". In 2011 he became the winner of the Russian Federation Government Prize in Science and Technology In 2014 he received Certificate of Merit of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use.