With a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Bauman University, Vadim developed an interest in Mining Rock Mechanics while studying at the University of South Australia. After obtaining a degree in Mining Engineering in 2001, Vadim worked at a number of Australian mining operations in Tasmania, New South Wales and Western Australia. Currently Vadim is employed by AMC Consultants in Perth as a Principal Geotechnical Engineer, with special interests in feasibility studies, excavation stability analysis and ground support systems.
Establishing a geotechnical service at an open pit mine: what is required
Open pits get deeper, walls become steeper – as a result, operations more frequently experience slope failures ranging from small rock falls to large multi-bench slides. The risk of injury, equipment loss and production delays is increasing. Geotechnical slope monitoring and management becomes in these situations critical, yet still not many operations have a well-established geotechnical service. Drawing from Australian experience, this presentation provides specific steps required to establish a geotechnical service at an open pit mine with a primary goal of reducing the risk of unexpected slope failure.