Session number 8 at MINEX Russia 2016 will be dedicated the latest developments and techniques allowing to collect and accumulate geological data with maximum efficiency and accuracy. Entitled “Cost-effective exploration – new technologies”, the session will provide a platform for the participants to discuss the relevant issues of obtaining geological data on new and old deposits and providing reports that satisfy all state requirements and data that is consistent with the realities at the deposit.
The Chief Geologist at GeoSolutions (OGK-Group), Mr Nikolai Belykh will describe the risks of inconsistency of geological information and reserves reporting as well as possible solutions for this problem.
Using various projects situated in different parts of the globe, Alexander Prikhodko, the Managing Director at Geotech will demonstrate optimization and acceleration of the mineral exploration using modern airborne electromagnetic technologies.
The Chief Geophysicist at Aerogeophysia Ic, Mr Pavel Babayants will talk about using the latest advanced in airborne survey technologies at different exploration stages. He comments: “The current state of airborne geophysical methods and technologies allows the use of their results in almost all stages of the exploration process from reconnaissance work on the stage of the general prospecting to prospect surveys and preliminary investigation of deposits.“
A report on the operational growth of reserves of depleted mineral deposits will be presented by Aleksandr Bobrov, Chief geologist, GeoJet Exploration. He said he “will present a technology of aggregated exploration for expanding mineral resource base of existing mining enterprises and challenges of increasing reserves on the flanks of waste deposits.”
The General Director at the AGR Software LLC, Mr Rostislav Bilik will explain the procedure of meeting regulatory requirements for provision of geological information
Igor Solodov, the Director of development innovation and technology at ARMZ Uranium Holding will talk about why currently geotechnology is the main vector of development in the uranium mining industry. “Reduced average cost of producing uranium at all the mining enterprises of the holding is achieved by reducing the volume produced using the more costly, traditional underground mining method and increasing the share produced using the low-cost geotechnological methods (UL and HL).”-Explains Mr Solodov.
The Senior geophysicist at Aarhus Geophysics, Mr Vladislav Kaminski will offer the latest developments in inversion and interpretation of airborne electromagnetic data and the extraction of Cole-Cole parameters from TDEM for mineral exploration. He comments: “Aarhus Geophysics is happy to present recent developments in multiparametric geophysical inversion and TDEM data interpretation for gold exploration. The approach is based on simultaneous extraction of four Cole-Cole parameters from airborne TDEM data affected by AIP.“
Moderator: Mikhail Leskov the Head of Section for Evaluation and Valuation for Mineral Properties, Russian Society of Experts for Sub-soil Use/OERN.
The MINEX Russia mining and exploration forum will be held in Moscow, Russia on 4-6 October 2016 at the Radisson Slavyanskaya hotel. Additional information on the event is available at minexrussia.com