On 4th October Master classes will open the technical program of MINEX Russia – the 12-th Mining and Exploration Forum.
The Master class “Innovative technologies for steep incline and vertical conveying in the mining sector – What are the factors for success?” organised by ContiTech will open the day’s programme which will include four master classes, round table lunch and networking evening drinks.
The ContiTec’s master class will be led by Thomas Neumann, Head of Sales of Mining Europe in ContiTech Transportbandsysteme GmbH and Dr. Andrey Minkin, Business Development & Application Engineering in Eastern Europe at Continental ContiTech Conveyor Belt Group
The presenters will introduce innovative technologies for steep incline and vertical conveying in the mining sector and afterward swill hold discussion on the use of state of the art technologies to enable extensive cost saving for open pit mining.
The second master class “Slope monitoring – how and why, a presentation of the technologies and best practices is organised by SRK Consulting, Navgeocom, Maptek and GroundProbe. The objective of the master class is to introduce latest technologies used for slope monitoring to predict mine pits disruptions and reduce potential damages.
The Master class will include presentations on
- Multisensory monitoring the stability of the ledges at mining works.
- The integration of data from the GPR , automated total stations and laser scanners
- Highwall monitoring with laser scanning system Maptek Sentry
- Safety and mining efficiency with slope stability radar
- Practice of GPS monitoring
- Stressed rock mass in near-wall open-pit’s zone
Master class will be conducted by
Ivan Livinskiy, Senior Geotechnical Engineer, SRK Consulting (Russia) Ltd
Viktor Spirin, Geotechnical Engineer, SRK Consulting
Dmitry Sizov, Head of mining department, Navgeocom
Sergey Reznik, Technical Director, Maptek
Peter Lawrence, General Manager – Business Development, GroundProbe
Andrey Panzhin, Academic Secretary, Mining Institute, Urals Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Mikhail Kagan, Senior Researcher, Apatity Mining Institute
After the presentations the speakers will answers questions related to practical implication of Station, Lidar and GPS technologies for slope monitoring. They will also talk about economic justification of using these technologies at the open pit mines in Russia.
During the lunch speakers will be able to continue answering questions in the “Interactive round tables” format.
In the afternoon IMC Montan and DMT will hold their master class “Implementation of industrial safety technologies at coal, ore and potash mining enterprises”.
Andrey Tverdov, Technical Director of IMC Montan will present tendencies of strengthening control over operations of mines with extra-hazardous mining and geological conditions.
Alexey Shalashinski, International sales coordinator from DMT GmbH & Co KG will present geomechanical numerical modelling as a sophisticated solution for ensuring the stability of underground mine workings and constructions.
Alexey Dvornikov, Mining Engineer of IMC Montan will explain how to improve ventilation efficiency at deeper ore mine levels.
Thomas Imgrund, Consultant from DMT GmbH & Co KG will show how «Geohazmap Coal» 4D software can assess risks in underground coal mining.
The Day’s program will conclude with the joint master class “Organisational efficiency in the mining industry” organised by AMC Consultants
Brian Hall, Principal Mining Engineer of AMC Consultants will illustrate complexities of optimisation strategy required to satisfy multiple goals and stakeholder expectations.
Yevgeniy Antonov, Senior Mining Engineer of AMC Consultants will present on challenges of meeting objectives in mine planning.
Vadim Louchnikov, Principal Geotechnical Engineer of AMC Consultants will provide practical illustrations of establishing a geotechnical service at an open pit mine.
The program will conclude with the Networking drinks