This year the MINEX Russia forum will open with a plenary session entitled “Russian mining- new sources of growth and agility”. The participants will discuss important current trends that affect mining companies and the industry as a whole.
Price fluctuations and devaluation, changes in demand and finding funding sources, relations between business and governing bodies and their worries over profits are some of the the key themes to be discussed.
John Mulligan, Head of Member & Market Relations at the World Gold Council, will present an overview of key drivers of the current gold market.
The Head of the Metals & Mining Group in Russia and CIS at EY, Mr Boris Yatsenko will report on the improvement perspectives in the investment climate in the sphere of extraction of natural resources.
Finally, Elena Patimova, a Head of Commodity Buy Side Sales, London Metal Exchange will discuss the importance of hedging for metal producers and strategies available.
The session will be moderated by the Vice President and General Manager of the Moscow Office at the Kinross Gold Corporation, Mr Lou Naumovski.
Prior to the session the forum participants will be greeted by Head of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use Mr Evgeniy Kiselev and the vice-minister at the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr Timur Toktabaev.
The MINEX Russia mining and exploration forum will be held in Moscow, Russia on 4-6 October 2016 at the Radisson Slavyanskaya hotel. Additional information on the event is available at minexrussia.com