Barbora Veličková, the Commercial Director of Ferrit, studied the design and construction of mines and geotechnics at the faculty of Geology and Mining at the Technical University of Ostrava, and graduated in 1990 with a degree in mining engineer. During the restructuring and decline of the coal industry in the former Czechoslovakia in the 1990s she worked in the information centre where she processed researches and created a database of electronic resources on the Internet. Thereafter, followed a decade as a sales manager for CIC International b.v. and WTN Water Treatment Netherlands in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. During this period she gained experience in foreign trade and metal surface treatment technologies, such as hot dip galvanising processes, as well as waste water treatment technologies. In 2011, she started working in Ferrit as a sales manager responsible for the Russian, Kazakhstan and South African markets, returning to her original specialisation of mining. Since 2014, she has been working as the commercial director.
Optimisation of mining transport and its impact on the functioning of a mine in conditions of global crisis in the mining industry.
Mining companies have faced for several years of challenging market conditions with an unclear predictions of short-term or long-term development which is characterised by falling raw material prices, imbalances of demand and supply, rising operating costs and decreasing productivity. Maintaining stable profitability is becoming a major issue in the management of mining enterprises. The goal of presentation is to show the importance of mining transport in the area of optimisation, operating costs reduction and increase of efficiency. The transport system of underground mine is a complicated and important process on which depends smooth carrying out of tunnelling, supply of workplaces with needed materials, personal transportation to the workplace. There are significant economic losses in the case of uncontrolled traffic, incorrectly selected type of transport or inappropriate transport means.