Mr. Graham Hill is President and Chief Executive Officer of Silver Bear Resources. Mr. Hill is a qualified mechanical engineer who has over 25 years of experience building and operating gold, silver, coal and mineral sand mines internationally. He has held senior management positions with a number of companies and has been involved in the building of the Yatela and Sadiola gold mines in Mali for Anglo American Corp and was responsible for the development and management of Oxus Resources' Jerooy and Amantaytau gold and silver mines in Central Asia. Most recently, Mr. Hill was the Chief Operating Officer for AXMIN Inc., responsible for overseeing the Feasibility Study and early development of the Passendro Gold project in the Central African Republic. Mr. Hill holds an honours degree in mechanical engineering from Sheffield Hallam University. Mr. Hill is based in Moscow to directly oversee the Company's operations in the Russian Federation.
Mangazeisky Silver Project, Russia - Path to Production
SSilver Bear Resources Inc. is focused on the development of its wholly-owned Mangazeisky Silver Project, which is amongst the highest grade silver deposit in the world, located north of Yakutsk in the Republic of Sakha, Russia. Silver Bear has embarked on an aggressive project implementation and construction program starting in 2015 and ramping up during 2016. During the course of 2016, the Company has announced the results of its positive feasibility study, upgraded its mineral resources, and secured the last element of the project financing, including advancing development at site. Most notably at its Vertikalny Central deposit, the mineral resource update increased the Indicated silver grade by 35% from 909 g/t to 1,227 g/t Ag, the results of which have improved the project IRR and NPV significantly with minimal change to CAPEX. In 4Q 2016, the Company released an updated feasibility study and mine plan which further confirmed the robustness of the project. With the project fully funded to production, and as the accelerated construction and mine plan remains on-track and on-budget the Company is rapidly advancing the project towards commissioning late 2016, with full silver production expected in Q1 2017.