Technologies and innovations that allow for further economy in deposit development will be taking center stage at the 7th session of the MINEX Russia 2016 forum that will be taking place in Moscow on the 4-6 of October this year. The focus of the session entitled “Modern mining projects and processes – managing for efficiency “ will be product compatibility, software limitations, as well as implementation of these technologies in the manufacturing process.
The General Director at EMC Mining, Mr Artem Romanchenko will share his experience on not only assembling a functioning product from many suppliers, but doing it on time and within budget. “The report sheds light on the stages of development and implementation, conditions of successful passing the realisation stage, as well as outlines the main risks and ways of minimising them. The second part of the report is devoted to combining equipment from different suppliers, creating a united production chain and the conditions of guaranteed target achievement”- explained Mr Romanchenko.
Dmitry Kovalev, a Director at EY will discuss the background and methodology for implementation of make or buy strategy on the example of a machine-building enterprise.
The Chief engineer at Irgiredmet, Mr Aleksandr Krutko will talk about the responsibility and risks of mine building and commissioning. “The report analyses different options for independently performing the full range of mine building and commissioning activities by a mineral developer (investor), and capability of engaging specialized organizations in performing this work or its individual phases. The author considers requirements which are imposed to a contractor (experience, credibility, availability of technical staff, equipment and certificates etc.), responsibility issues and potential risks. An option of engaging a single contractor, technical customer, for performing the full range of investment project activities is studied. Possible functions of a technical customer are considered, customer’s responsibilities and obligations towards an investor, assignment of functional duties and mutual risks are also analysed.”- sums up Mr Krutko.
A Consultant at the Centre of Mining Information Technologies, Polymetal International plc, Mr Sergei Ostapchuk will report on the Introduction and development of geological information systems at Polymetal. He will also touch on inner consulting in the field of mine-geological systems implementation and the future development of information systems for mine planning and geological and geomechanical control.
The Regional Consulting Manager at Micromine, Ms Olga Almendinger will talk about Geological control in the resource modelling.
Mr Robin Simpson, the Principal Resource Geologist, SRK Consulting (Russia) Ltd will demonstrate optimising open pit grade control systems as well as applying international methods and technology to Russian mines, with particular reference to open pit gold mines.
The session will be getting closed by the Manager of Hydrometallurgy and Pyrometallurgy at Glencore Technology, Mr Paul Voigt. Mr Voigt will talk about the economic recovery and upgrade of metals from middling and tailing streams. “The value proposition is the isolation of a low grade or tailings stream for treatment and upgrading the stream to an equal or higher grade than the bulk of the metal production and mixing it in for sale. This allows plants to operate on a more favourable part of the grade-recovery curve while avoiding the expense of metal production. For existing operations this is particularly attractive since it can be added on with no process interruptions. Two case studies are examined showing flowsheets and costings to arrive at the value proposition of the GT low grade treatment flowsheet.”- explains Mr Voigt.
The session will be getting moderated by Phil Newall, Managing Director, Wardell Armstrong International.
The MINEX Russia mining and exploration forum will be held in Moscow, Russia on 4-6 October 2016 at the Radisson Slavyanskaya hotel. Additional information on the event is available at minexrussia.com.