The 5th session entitled “Mine transportation and logistics – large-scale cost-cutting opportunities” which will take part at the 12th annual mining forum- MINEX Russia 2016 is dedicated to transport solutions that improve mine economy and safety standards.
The vice president and head of Scania Mining, Mr Björn Winblad will offer site optimisation technologies and implementing smarter and leaner transportation solutions.
New technology for steep incline high capacity open pit conveying is a topic that will be covered by Andrey Minkin, who is the manager for Business Development & Application Engineering for Clients in Eastern Europe in ContiTech Conveyor Belt Group (CBG). His presentation will showcase the initial findings of the feasibility study on the Chevron-MegaPipe® conveyor for a 400m-deep open pit mine and a mass flow of 5000 t/h and experimental results.
Mr Yury Frolov, the Director of Procurement, Highland Gold Mining, will talk about the possibilities of large scale cost cutting made possible by addressing transport issues.
The Head of mining department at Navgeocom, Mr Dmitry Sizov will demonstrate the problems of open pit mine highway traffic safety organisation and their solution using next generation radar systems as well as combined solutions for rotating machinery and large transport vehicles and their economic impact.
The Commercial Director at Ferrit Ltd, Ms Barbora Velickova, will explain impact of optimisation of mining transport on the mine functioning in conditions of global crisis in the mining industry. “Mining companies have faced for several years of challenging market conditions with an unclear predictions of short-term or long-term development which is characterised by falling raw material prices, imbalances of demand and supply, rising operating costs and decreasing productivity. Maintaining stable profitability is becoming a major issue in the management of mining enterprises. The goal of presentation is to show the importance of mining transport in the area of optimisation, operating costs reduction and increase of efficiency. The transport system of underground mine is a complicated and important process on which depends smooth carrying out of tunnelling, supply of workplaces with needed materials, personal transportation to the workplace. There are significant economic losses in the case of uncontrolled traffic, incorrectly selected type of transport or inappropriate transport means. “The goal of presentation is to show the importance of mining transport in the area of optimisation, operating costs reduction and increase of efficiency. The transport system of underground mine is a complicated and important process on which depends smooth carrying out of tunnelling, supply of workplaces with needed materials, personal transportation to the workplace. There are significant economic losses in the case of uncontrolled traffic, incorrectly selected type of transport or inappropriate transport means.”- she comments.
Alexey Kravchenko, Deputy Commercial Director. Strategic development in Russia, GEFCO will make a presentation entitled “Logistics integration – a new stage of supply chain management”. Mr Kravchenko comments: “Skilful management of a logistic supply system is reached by balance of several inverse functions: transport, warehousing, working capital and risks. Thus, a company management faces the following choice: either to develop own supply management competences or focus on production and outsource the supply function to an external 4PL operator. The both approaches have right to exist which will be shown during the presentation.”
Mr David Pearce, General Director of SRK Consulting (Russia) will be moderating this session.
The MINEX Russia mining and exploration forum will be held in Moscow, Russia on 4-6 October 2016 at the Radisson Slavyanskaya hotel. Additional information on the event is available at minexrussia.com.