Aleksander TolstovDeputy Director of siens work, IGM SIB RAS
Aleksandr BobrovChief geologist, GeoJet Exploration
Aleksandr KrutkoChief engineer, Irgiredmet
Alexander GareevManaging Director, Eurasian Development Bank
Alexander LopatnikovManaging Director, American Appraisal (AAR)
Alexander MakarovGeotechnical Expert, Corporation Kazakhmys
Alexander PrikhodkoManaging Director, Geotech Ltd.
Alexei ChekunkovChief Executive Officer, Far East Development Fund
Alexei KuznetsovPartner, Head of Business Tax Services in the CIS, EY
Alexei MojarovEconomic Affairs Officer, Special Unit on Commodities, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
Alexey DvornikovMining Engineer and Infrastructure Specialist, IMC Montan
Alexey KravchenkoDeputy Commercial Director. Strategic development in Russia, GEFCO
Alexey ShalashinskiInternational sales coordinator, DMT GmbH & Co KG
Andrey PanzhinAcademic Secretary, Mining Institute, Urals Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Andrey TverdovTechnical Director, PhD, Industrial Safety Expert Certified by Rostekhnadzor, GKZ expert, IMC Montan
Antonio MenghiniEM Geophysicist, Aarhus Geophysics
Artem RomanchenkoGeneral Director, EMC Mining
Barbora VeličkováCommercial Director, Ferrit Ltd
Björn WinbladVice President and Head of Scania Mining, Scania
Boris YatsenkoPartner, Head of the Metals & Mining Group in Russia and CIS, EY
Brian HallPrincipal Mining Engineer, AMC Consultants Pty Ltd
David PearceGeneral Director, SRK Consulting (Russia) Ltd.
Denis AlexandrovChief Executive Officer, Highland Gold Mining
Denis NikishinDeputy Director of Legal Affairs and Subsoil Licensing, Rosgeolekspertiza
Diana AsonovaMetals and mining correspondent, Thomson Reuters/ RMET
Dinara DorizoOf Counsel, Norton Rose Fulbright (Central Europe) LLP
Dmitry SizovHead of mining department, Navgeocom
Dr Pavel MaslovskiyChief Executive Officer, Petropavlovsk PLC
Dr. Andrey MinkinBusiness Development & Application Engineering, Eastern Europe, Continental ContiTech Conveyor Belt Group (CBG)
Elena PatimovaHead of Commodity Buy Side Sales, London Metal Exchange
Evgeniy KiselevDeputy Minister - Head of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use, Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation
Evgeny KuzminHead of Research laboratory, VNIPIpromtechnologii
Evgeny TulubenskyChief Legal Officer, Corporate and Regulatory Affairs, Nordgold
Gauthier CanartExpert, MineLens
Gennady AlekseevGeneral Director, Sakha (Yakutia) Republic Development Corporation, JSC
Gennady SarychevDeputy General Director, Head of Research of Chemical Technology unit, "Science and Innovation" JSC
Graham HillPresident and CEO, Silver Bear Resources Inc.
Grigory MashkovtsevGeneral Director, "All-Russian Research Institute of Mineral Resources" (VIMS)
Igor DemidovDeputy Director General for Resource Management Projects, Rostec-Business Development
Igor ShpurovGeneral Director, Federal Budget Organisation “State Commission on Mineral Resources”
Igor SolodovDirector of development innovation and technology, ARMZ Uranium Holding Co. (JSC Atomredmetzoloto)
Ivan LivinskiySenior Geotechnical Engineer, SRK Consulting (Russia) Ltd.
Ivan OsadchiyProject engineer, Putzmeister
John MulliganHead of Member & Market Relations, World Gold Council
Julia BoikoGeneral Director, Wardell Armstrong Russia and Kazakhstan
Kate SommervilleBusiness Improvement Manager, AMC Consultants Pty Ltd
Konstantin KazakovDeputy chief of commercial department, JSC VNIPIpromtechnologii
Levon KocharyanPartner, Norton Rose Fulbright (Central Europe) LLP
Lou NaumovskiVice President and General Manager, Moscow Representative Office, Kinross Gold Corporation
Mark ChesherPerth Open Pit Manager / Russia & CIS Projects, AMC Consultants
Maxim SeredkinPrincipal Resource Geologist, CSA Global Pty Ltd.
Mikhail KaganSenior Researcher, Apatity Mining Institute
Mikhail LeskovHead of Section for Evaluation and Valuation for Mineral Properties, Russian Society of Experts for Sub-soil Use/OERN
Mikhail SapozhnikovScientific director, "Diamant" LLC
Nikolai BelykhChief geologist, GeoSolutions (OGK-Group)
Nikolai YenshinGeneral Manager, SRK Consulting (Kazakhstan) Ltd
Nikolay MatyashChairman, Subcommittee for Subsoil Users of the Committee of Precious Metals and Precious Stones, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
Nikolay SamsonovSenior Researcher, Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering
Nina GoulisTax and Legal Partner, KPMG
Nina VoiloshnikovaLeading researcher of the hydrometallurgical laboratory, Irgiredmet
Oleg KazanovChief Geologist, JSC Central Kola Expedition
Oleg MaksimovDeputy COO, Director Project Office, Nordgold
Olesya LipichHead of Environmental Bureau, Zabaykalzolotoproekt
Olga AlmendingerRegional Consulting Manager, Micromine
Paul VoigtManager Hydrometallurgy and Pyrometallurgy, Glencore Technology
Pavel BabayantsChief Geophysist, GNPP "Aerogeophysica"
Peter HambroChairman, Petropavlovsk PLC
Peter LawrenceGeneral Manager - Business Development, GroundProbe
Peter MyersChief Mining Engineer, Pavlik Gold
Phil NewallManaging Director, Wardell Armstrong International
Randolph LewisPresident of Russian operations, Amur Minerals Corp
Robin SimpsonPrincipal Resource Geologist, SRK Consulting (Russia) Ltd
Roman GoryunovPresident, Association "NP RTS"
Roman KolesinskiySenior Geologist, Datamine
Rostislav BilikDirector General, AGR Software LLC
Ruslan BaimishevHead, RGI "RCGI Kazgeoinform"
Sergei OstapchukConsultant of Center of Mining Information Technologies, Polymetal International plc
Sergey KashubaChairman, The Russian Union of Gold Producers
Sergey ReznikTechnical Director, Maptek
Sergey VasilyevCEO, GV Gold, PJSC
Thomas ImgrundConsultant, DMT GmbH & Co KG
Thomas NeumannHead of Sales, Mining, Europe, ContiTech Transportbandsysteme GmbH
Timur ToktabaevVice Minister, Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Vadim LouchnikovPrincipal Geotechnical Engineer, AMC Consultants Pty Ltd
Vasily MakarovCEO, JSC "Pavlik Gold"
Victor RadkoCEO, Gold of Kamchatka
Victor ZhirinasHead of the Mining Division, Summa Technologiy
Viktor SpirinGeotechnical Engineer, SRK Consulting
Vitaly NesisGroup CEO, Polymetal International Plc
Vladimir MitkinMinister of Natural Resources of Magadan Region, Government of Magadan Region
Vladislav KaminskiSenior geophysicist, Aarhus geophysics
Vsevolod ShulyakovskiyChief of 3D laser scanning department, ArtGeo
Yaroslav KichaloDeputy Head, Department of Mineral Resources, Federal Agency for Subsoil Use - Rosnedra
Yevgeniy AntonovSenior Mining Engineer, AMC Consultants Pty Ltd
Yevgeniy DolgalevChief Process Engineer, Himmash-Apparat
Yulia ZakharovaHead of Licensing Department, Nordgold Management LLC
Yuri DavydenkoGeneral Director, Gelios
Yury FrolovDirector of Procurement, Highland Gold Mining