4 October – Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel, Europe Square 2, 121059, Moscow, Russia
- Transport costs. Saving potentials
- Examples for successful introduction in to open pit mining
- Steep angle conveyor transport and vertical conveying – innovative solutions
- State of the art technology – this is truck transport!
- What are the reasons for non – using saving potentials?
- What are the new arguments today?
- Where are the best chances for projects?
- What can be done for better success in the future?

ContiTech Transportbandsysteme GmbH
Head of Sales, Mining, Europe

Continental ContiTech Conveyor Belt Group (CBG)
Business Development & Application Engineering, Eastern Europe
Organisers – SRK Consulting, Navgeocom, Maptek, GroundProbe
- Introduction and why slope monitoring is necessary
- How Total Station & Lidar is used in slope monitoring – presentation by Leica
- How Lidar is used in slope monitoring – presentation by Maptek
- How Radar is used in slope monitoring – presentation by GroundProbe
- Practice of GPS monitoring
- Closure – economic justification and organisation

Alexander Makarov
Corporation Kazakhmys
Geotechnical Expert

SRK Consulting (Russia) Ltd.
Senior Geotechnical Engineer

SRK Consulting
Geotechnical Engineer

Head of mining department

Technical Director

General Manager - Business Development

Mining Institute, Urals Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Academic Secretary

Apatity Mining Institute
Senior Researcher
Organisers: IMC Montan and DMT

IMC Montan
Technical Director, PhD, Industrial Safety Expert Certified by Rostekhnadzor, GKZ expert

DMT GmbH & Co KG
International sales coordinator

IMC Montan
Mining Engineer and Infrastructure Specialist

DMT GmbH & Co KG
Organiser – AMC Consultants
- The complexities of strategy optimisation to satisfy multiple goals and stakeholder expectations.
- Meeting the objectives by mine planning.
- Establishing a geotechnical service at an open pit mine: what is required.

AMC Consultants Pty Ltd
Principal Mining Engineer

AMC Consultants
Perth Open Pit Manager / Russia & CIS Projects

AMC Consultants Pty Ltd
Senior Mining Engineer

AMC Consultants Pty Ltd
Principal Geotechnical Engineer
5 October – Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel, Europe Square 2, 121059, Moscow, Russia
Admission for registered delegates only

Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation
Deputy Minister - Head of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use

Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Vice Minister
Discussion themes:
- Review of the key sources of growth in the Russian mining sector: Science, Technology, Capital and Government regulation.
- Transformations of the interaction between the state and businesses in the face of declining revenues.
- Commodity markets outlook for 2017-18: are we at the bottom or at the peak prices?
- Economic equilibrium – should we expect the new “Black Swan” events and when?
- Accessing the prospects of continuing impact of rouble devaluation on reducing costs and improving investment attractiveness of the Russian mining businesses.
- What are the sources of new money in the Russian mining industry?
- Government support in the sphere of subsoil use: what support the subsoil users expect and that support the authorities are ready to offer?
- Modernisation and re-equipment: how to spend to save the money?
- Exploration in Russia: Who funds it? Who develops? How the money is spent?

Lou Naumovski
Kinross Gold Corporation
Vice President and General Manager, Moscow Representative Office

World Gold Council
Head of Member & Market Relations

Partner, Head of the Metals & Mining Group in Russia and CIS

London Metal Exchange
Head of Commodity Buy Side Sales

Ivan Livinskiy
SRK Consulting (Russia) Ltd.
Senior Geotechnical Engineer

"Diamant" LLC
Scientific director

JSC VNIPIpromtechnologii
Deputy chief of commercial department

Chief of 3D laser scanning department

Senior Geologist

Leading researcher of the hydrometallurgical laboratory

Project engineer

General Director
Discussion themes:
- New incentives and powers enabling local governments to stimulate mining projects.
- Mechanisms to support investment projects at the territories of priority development.
- Developing investment projects. The win-win stories.
- Practical aspects of preparation and support of investment projects proposed for implementation at the territories of priority development.
- Infrastructure, energy and communications development – benefits and opportunities of private public partnerships.
- Business and Regional Government – creating win-win partnerships.

Sergey Kashuba
The Russian Union of Gold Producers

Polymetal International Plc
Group CEO

Petropavlovsk PLC
Chief Executive Officer

Kinross Gold Corporation
Vice President and General Manager, Moscow Representative Office

Highland Gold Mining
Chief Executive Officer


JSC "Pavlik Gold"

Government of Magadan Region
Minister of Natural Resources of Magadan Region
In conversation with Russia’s mining legends

Diana Asonova
Thomson Reuters/ RMET
Metals and mining correspondent

Petropavlovsk PLC

Petropavlovsk PLC
Chief Executive Officer
Panel discussion:
- Mining optimisation projects
- Infrastructure development projects
- Developing Mineral processing capacity projects
- Advanced exploration projects
- Greenfield and brownfield projects
- Renewable development projects

Boris Yatsenko
Partner, Head of the Metals & Mining Group in Russia and CIS

Sakha (Yakutia) Republic Development Corporation, JSC
General Director

Gold of Kamchatka

Pavlik Gold
Chief Mining Engineer

Silver Bear Resources Inc.
President and CEO

Amur Minerals Corp
President of Russian operations

JSC Central Kola Expedition
Chief Geologist
Discussion themes:
- Experiences of “first come – first served” practices Russian mining sector.
- New procedures for revocation of licenses from companies that do not fulfil obligations.
- Accessing state-owned geological information – current provisions and planed changes.
- A new system of classification of resources and reserves of minerals in Russia – introduction of the “one window” concept in subsoil use practice.
- Review of de-offshorisation practices and current tax initiatives.
- Amendments to the law “On Subsoil” on the accompanied extraction of minerals.
- Practical implications of the amended legislation on complex mineral deposits in Russia.
- Amendments in the law “On Subsoil” on developing mines classified under “federal importance” status.

Evgeny Tulubensky
Corporate and Regulatory Affairs, Nordgold
Chief Legal Officer

Federal Agency for Subsoil Use - Rosnedra
Deputy Head, Department of Mineral Resources

Deputy Director of Legal Affairs and Subsoil Licensing

Nordgold Management LLC
Head of Licensing Department

Norton Rose Fulbright (Central Europe) LLP

Tax and Legal Partner

Partner, Head of Business Tax Services in the CIS

Norton Rose Fulbright (Central Europe) LLP
Of Counsel

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
Chairman, Subcommittee for Subsoil Users of the Committee of Precious Metals and Precious Stones
Discussion themes:
- The costs of transportation and roads in mine economics in Russia
- Reducing transport costs for open pit mines – technological and implementation challenges.
- Accident preventing fleet management solutions.
- Automation of the mine transport processes.
- Remote control of the underground transportation systems.
- Robotisation of mine transportation systems – technical challenges.
- Conveyor – an alternative to truck fleet?

David Pearce
SRK Consulting (Russia) Ltd.
General Director

Vice President and Head of Scania Mining

Continental ContiTech Conveyor Belt Group (CBG)
Business Development & Application Engineering, Eastern Europe

Highland Gold Mining
Director of Procurement

Head of mining department

Ferrit Ltd
Commercial Director

Deputy Commercial Director. Strategic development in Russia
Show sponsored by GeoTechnologies – http://geotechnologies-rus.com/en

Aarhus Geophysics
EM Geophysicist
6 October – Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel, Europe Square 2, 121059, Moscow, Russia
Discussion themes:
- The Eurasian Economic space – opportunities for developing cross-border trade and investment in the mining sector.
- Mining regulation – what the EEU member states can learn from each other?
- Provisions of the Russia-Belarus joint program on “Exploration and subsoil use”
- Reserves and resources evaluation systems – opportunities for creating common EEU standard.
- Developing cross border investment projects: opportunities and advantages for miners.
- Financing mining projects in the EEU member states: who currently supports them? What are the opportunities for creating the Eurasian Capital Market platform for mining?
- Developing a single market supply chain standard for mining machinery, equipment and services in the EEU member states.

Andrey Tverdov
IMC Montan
Technical Director, PhD, Industrial Safety Expert Certified by Rostekhnadzor, GKZ expert

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
Economic Affairs Officer, Special Unit on Commodities

Partner, Head of the Metals & Mining Group in Russia and CIS

Far East Development Fund
Chief Executive Officer

Eurasian Development Bank
Managing Director

Association "NP RTS"

Federal Budget Organisation “State Commission on Mineral Resources”
General Director

RGI "RCGI Kazgeoinform"

SRK Consulting (Kazakhstan) Ltd
General Manager

Wardell Armstrong Russia and Kazakhstan
General Director
Discussion themes:
- Planning and Operating mining projects – opportunities for improvement
- Unified management systems for improving to productivity and efficiency.
- New projects: how to build on time and on budget?
- A mine without borders: managing cross-border mining projects.
- Supplying and servicing mining enterprises – balancing costs and delivery terms.
- Building mining project – managing multiple suppliers and contractors.
- Integrating mine design solutions at the planning stage.
- Outsourcing – benefits and wider implementation opportunities.
- Modular approach to mine construction and modernisation.
- Using spare capacity – improving efficiency.
- Mining grade control efficiency – saving money at design & planning stage

Phil Newall
Wardell Armstrong International
Managing Director

EMC Mining
General Director


Chief engineer

Polymetal International plc
Consultant of Center of Mining Information Technologies

Regional Consulting Manager

Glencore Technology
Manager Hydrometallurgy and Pyrometallurgy

SRK Consulting (Russia) Ltd
Principal Resource Geologist
Discussion themes:
- Evolving digital systems for geological data collection and analysis – examples and cases.
- Use of automated reserves and resources evaluation systems in Russia.
- Aerogeophysics and geochemistry – the possibilities and limits of use.
- The core – the art of deciphering.
- Use of drones in geological exploration.
- Accuracy of laboratory tests – the basis for a reliable model of the deposit.
- “Blind” exploration – making discoveries with a minimum cost.

Mikhail Leskov
Russian Society of Experts for Sub-soil Use/OERN
Head of Section for Evaluation and Valuation for Mineral Properties

Alexander Lopatnikov
American Appraisal (AAR)
Managing Director

GeoSolutions (OGK-Group)
Chief geologist

Geotech Ltd.
Managing Director

GNPP "Aerogeophysica"
Chief Geophysist

GeoJet Exploration
Chief geologist

AGR Software LLC
Director General

ARMZ Uranium Holding Co. (JSC Atomredmetzoloto)
Director of development innovation and technology

Aarhus geophysics
Senior geophysicist
Discussion themes:
- The future of mining industry – key change drivers to watch.
- Digitalisation of production: where to start?
- Using software products from different vendors: how to ensure they “understand” each other?
- ISA-95 – a unified industry standard for data transfer and integrating production processes.
- Systemic approach to Big Data transfer and evaluation.
- Real time data control and management in mining – new technologies and opportunities.
- Underground mine internetisation – technical challenges and solutions.
- Information security and data protection.
- Safe mine – accident preventing digital technologies and solutions.
- Automations and robotisation of mining processes – technical, financial and social aspects.

David Pearce
SRK Consulting (Russia) Ltd.
General Director

Deputy COO, Director Project Office

SRK Consulting (Russia) Ltd.
General Director


CSA Global Pty Ltd.
Principal Resource Geologist

Summa Technologiy
Head of the Mining Division

AMC Consultants Pty Ltd
Business Improvement Manager
Discussion themes:
• Building self-sufficiency in the Russian mining sector – prospects, benefits, limitations.
• Russia’s claim to end imports of REMs by 2020 and to become producer. Challenges and projections.
• Evaluation of the resource base and the development of rare-earth metals in Russia.
• Is it possible to profitably produce rare-earth metals in Russia, while China sells?
• Demand projection for REM in Russia’s hi-tech industry.
• The new rare earth projects in Russia – technological challenges.
• Enrichment of ideas – what will make Russian industry REM efficient and competitive?

Grigory Mashkovtsev
"All-Russian Research Institute of Mineral Resources" (VIMS)
General Director

IMC Montan
Technical Director, PhD, Industrial Safety Expert Certified by Rostekhnadzor, GKZ expert

"Science and Innovation" JSC
Deputy General Director, Head of Research of Chemical Technology unit

Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering
Senior Researcher

Deputy Director of siens work

Chief Process Engineer
Panel discussion:
- The role of science and technologies. What has changed over the last decade?
- What key scientific discoveries and technologies will determine mining development?
- Who drives science and research in the Russian mining sector?
- Optimisation – cadres are the key to everything!
- Transforming scientific discoveries into technological innovation – science in its own right.
- State mechanisms and programmes to support R & D.
- Making mining safer and more sustainable by harnessing fast-developing technologies and practices from different sectors.
- Sources of funding mining science and research – new collaboration opportunities.
- Innovative solutions. How to determine their commercial value?
- Evolving new materials – impact on future demand and supply.

Mikhail Leskov
Russian Society of Experts for Sub-soil Use/OERN
Head of Section for Evaluation and Valuation for Mineral Properties

Head of Environmental Bureau

Rostec-Business Development
Deputy Director General for Resource Management Projects

Head of Research laboratory

"All-Russian Research Institute of Mineral Resources" (VIMS)
General Director

"Diamant" LLC
Scientific director

SRK Consulting (Russia) Ltd.
General Director

ARMZ Uranium Holding Co. (JSC Atomredmetzoloto)
Director of development innovation and technology

CSA Global Pty Ltd.
Principal Resource Geologist

Ivan Livinskiy
SRK Consulting (Russia) Ltd.
Senior Geotechnical Engineer

"Diamant" LLC
Scientific director

JSC VNIPIpromtechnologii
Deputy chief of commercial department

Chief of 3D laser scanning department

Senior Geologist

Leading researcher of the hydrometallurgical laboratory

Project engineer

General Director